Outrage over December gangrape led to more awareness: Gloria Steinem

Video-Beschreibung von IBNLive – 19.01.2014

Iconic feminist, activist and writer Gloria Steinem says that the Delhi gangrape was a very important incident that helped in fighting violence. „I think it’s very important and it helps all of us, because we are all fighting violence in general and specifically female violence whether its in war zones, or whether it’s in homes in the United States or whether it’s here in the streets, so for women and men, especially young people to get out in the streets with such consistency and really say, okay this is enough, this was the match to the tinder, and now I think the media feels at least more inclined to report, even if it’s maybe not reporting on Dalit cases at least I think we’ve all been pushed into a higher state of consciousness,“ she said.