
Students give voice to Jaitapur struggle, launch website – 08/07/11

Students give voice to Jaitapur struggle, launch website

Pune: On Wednesday, a website aimed at bringing greater visibility to the struggle of the people of Jaitapur against the proposed 9,900 MW Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant (JNPP) was launched on Wednesday at St Xavier’s College, Mumbai.

The website has been developed by a group of law students under the direction of the India Center for Human Rightsand Law (ICHRL).

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Bhavnagar protests Nuclear Plant

Video-Beschreibung von newsxlive – 27.05.2011

Similar to claims from farmers in Jaitapur, the Gujarat farmers are up in arms against the nuke plant move as the site of the proposed power station has orchards of mango, sapota and vegetables.

The Hindu – Saturday, May 28, 2011

Revolt brewing against nuclear plant in Bhavnagar

Bhavnagar: The first bugle of revolt against the proposal to set up a 6000 MW capacity nuclear power plant at Jaspara-Mithi Virdi village in Bhavnagar district in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat was sounded on Friday.

The village panchayats of over 50 coastal villages in the district, which apprehend direct impact if the nuclear power plant is set up, took a “do or die” pledge at a public meeting at Mithi Virdi village not to allow the government to acquire their “fertile land” to set up the nuclear plant. …