Atomtechnik: Deutsches Geld für Reaktoren in Indien?

taz – 16.12.2011

Atomtechnik: Deutsches Geld für Reaktoren in Indien?

Nach der Zusage an Brasilien hoffen nun weitere Schwellenländer auf Exportkreditgarantien. Die Anfragen beziehen sich auf weitere AKW-Projekte in Indien und China. …

ngo-online – 16.12.2011

Halbherzigkeit beim Atomausstiegs
Atomausstieg: falsches Spiel der Bundesregierung

Die Bundesregierung hat auf die schriftliche Frage des Grünen Bundestagsabgeordneten Sven-Christian Kindler mitgeteilt, dass es Anfragen für Bürgschaften für die Atom-Projekte Wylfa in Großbritannien, Pyhäjoki in Finnland und Jaitapur in Indien gibt. Darüber hinaus gibt es Anträge für Zulieferungen zu einem AKW-Neubau in China und bereits eine Grundsatzzusage für das Atomkraftwerk Angra 3 in Brasilien. …

spiegel online – 16.12.2011

Trotz Energiewende – Deutsche Atomindustrie bittet um Staatshilfe

Deutsche AKW-Bauer beweisen Chuzpe: Obwohl die Bundesrepublik aus der Kernenergie aussteigt, fordern die Firmen nach SPIEGEL-Informationen staatliche Hilfe bei Projekten im Ausland. NGO-Vertreter warnen die Regierung nun davor, „den Boden für ein neues Fukushima zu bereiten“. …

The Dalai Lama and Quantum Physics

Video-Beschreibung von quantumsciencetv – 08.01.2011

„Maybe knowledge is as fundamental, or even more fundamental than reality.“ (A.Z.) The austrian quantum physicist Anton Zeilinger explains to the Dalai Lama some basics of quantum physics and some results of the last 9 years of experiments in quantum mechanics. Themes: Atomism, randomness, the phenomenon, interdependence, the role of the observer in quantum physics and buddhism (Parts 1-3). Explanation of the quantum computer (Parts 4-6). Dialogue Leaders: Anton Zeilinger and Arthur Zajonc. Questions from Matthieu Ricard and Wolf Singer.
Excerpt of: „Mind and Life XIV“ – Dialogues on „The Universe in a Single Atom“. Day 1 Afternoon Session (April 9th, 2007)
(Held at His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala, India)

Including sequences with longer translations to the Dalai Lama and the conversations in Tibetan (together about 20 minutes). Version without cuts.
Day 1 am (with introduction from the Dalai Lama)
Video-Beschreibung von gyalwarinpoche – 22.06.2010

Mind and Life XIV — Dialogues on „The Universe in a Single Atom“ – Day 1 Morning Session
(Held at His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Residence in Dharamsala, India)

Day 1 — April 9th, 2007
Part I: The Buddhism-Science Collaboration and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge: Exposing the Fracture Points. Dialogue Leader: Evan Thompson

Part II: Atomism, Emptiness, Interdependence and the Role of the Observer in Quantum Physics and Buddhism. Dialogue Leaders: Anton Zeilinger and Arthur Zajonc

In addition to being a scientific autobiography, the Dalai Lama’s book „The Universe in a Single Atom: the Convergence of Science and Spirituality“ highlights those issues he feels are most important in the „convergence of science and spirituality.“ These issues and questions form the focus of the Mind and Life XIV meeting, and become the foundation on which a group of scientists develop a deep dialogue with the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist scholar-practitioners.

Video-Beschreibung von gyalwarinpoche – 22.06.2010

Mind and Life XIV — Dialogues on „The Universe in a Single Atom“ – Day 2 Morning Session
(Held at His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala, India)

Day 2 – April 10th, 2007
Cosmology and the Relativity of Space and Time. Dialogue Leaders: George Greenstein and Arthur Zajonc

In addition to being a scientific autobiography, the Dalai Lama’s book „The Universe in a Single Atom: the Convergence of Science and Spirituality“ highlights those issues he feels are most important in the „convergence of science and spirituality.“ These issues and questions form the focus of the Mind and Life XIV meeting, and become the foundation on which a group of scientists develop a deep dialogue with the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist scholar-practitioners.

Video-Beschreibung von gyalwarinpoche – 22.06.2010

Mind and Life XIV — Dialogues on „The Universe in a Single Atom“ – Day 3 Afternoon Session

April 11, 2007– Evolution, Altruism and the Fundamental Nature of Human Emotion
Dialogue Leaders: Ben Shapiro, Paul Ekman, Richard Davidson and Matthieu Ricard

In addition to being a scientific autobiography, the Dalai Lama’s book „The Universe in a Single Atom: the Convergence of Science and Spirituality“ highlights those issues he feels are most important in the „convergence of science and spirituality.“ These issues and questions form the focus of the Mind and Life XIV meeting, and become the foundation on which a group of scientists develop a deep dialogue with the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist scholar-practitioners.

Buddhismus und Quantenphysik:

Christian Thomas Kohl: The Middle Way. Buddhism and Quantum Physics.

Australian PM backs uranium sales to India

Video-Beschreibung von AlJazeeraEnglish – 15.11.2011

The Australian prime minister, Julia Gillard, says she favours overturning a ban on sales of uranium to India as a means of strengthening relations with one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

For more than 30 years, Australia has refused to sell uranium to India because India had not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but Gillard says it is time to change the policy.

Lifting the ban would bring Australia in line with the US, which signed a civilian nuclear deal with India in 2008.

Al Jazeera’s Andrew Thomas reports from Sydney.